Monday, September 5, 2016


I push that voice aside that gut feeling who's warning me not to do that not to be your crutch but I am scared not of you or what you can do; but of what I will do when I am alone truly alone with my thoughts. Will I hate what I am? What I have become?  I do your every bidding I don't listen to my loved ones I am your slave I am your zombie. You laugh at me you put your feet on me, and I still love you I am not my own person I live for you and yours. I am a zombie I look alive I look like I am breathing but really I am dead inside really my soul is gasping for breath my spirit is crying for it is being dragged where it shouldn't be it is going there against its will. Each time I am in your company each time I do your will my soul , my spirit they get weaker and you get stronger, but yet I give up everything for you. I know this isn't right I know my spirit feels loss but I don't care because I am a zombie.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Majority rules

Standing up for one group of people does not give me the right to belittle the people or person I am standing against me standing for Israel or me standing against those who stand against Israel does not give me the excuse to racially insult the other group just because of their ignorant hatred. So many times our hatred of others is due to our ignorance. We agree with others without actually researching why we are supposed to hate the people that they hate we as you say go with the flow because we are afraid to go against the flow, but even in doing this once the spotlight of hatred for the other group has died down if you are in the minority you may have that same hate that you help direct to others directed to you to tell you truly most people are followers and they go with the majority even when the majority is wrong. The majority rules is such an ignorant statement at times especially when it comes to racism  with me the majority does not rule. With me I support who I support without needing the majority to stand with me.

Monday, August 15, 2016

The United States of America through mine eyes

America through mine eyes is not a pretty sight most of the time  inequality based on racism sometimes sexism rears its ugly head and most of us have a double whammy. I can go on and on with the faults of living in America which has a way of putting roadblocks up for people of certain backgrounds and if we concentrate on these barriers we will be stuck unable to really accomplish what we should accomplish. But sometimes you can not ignore it being that this  surrounds you because many people are filled with hate that seeps into the atmosphere and sometimes it may take a hold of you. You may find yourself starting to be critical or a racial slur might enter your thoughts. But if this really isn't you your body will react badly because it is not used to this kind of poison the poison of separation.  Separate but equal is what this Nation is based on there is no unity not within our own races not in the church's nowhere.  So how did we get the name United States of America; when we are so divided? We do not live up to our name as a Nation our way is the majority rules even if the majority is wrong.  We support the Countries that can benefit us monetarily not Spiritually so if the Country we support is rotten to the core it gets into our spirit as a Nation which affect those individual people in that Nation and soon chaos is more rampant than it ever has been. We become what we accuse others in third world Countries of being  lets use the term barbarians we become barbarians again. We kill for sport and fun not for survival not for protection of family but because we can. That is the United States of America through Mine eyes.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

My freedom of speech

With modern technology everyday someone is expressing their freedom of speech I am all for it but, haven't we just manipulated our freedom of speech to say what is in our hearts whether right or wrong? Haven't we used it to be racists or bigots yet try to infringe on the rights of the people we hate?

This freedom is now more about tearing our fellow man down; our freedom of speech just like our right to remain silent is for our protection, but we spit vile words at others trying to infringe upon their rights telling them what we believe but not accepting their opinion if they disagree with us we get angry. What happened to my right to disagree with you, why does it have to result in cyber bullying or you throwing racial slurs my way?

  Can we all get along? No we can not all get along, but you can learn how to coexist with me without trying to infringe upon my right to disagree. You can learn to coexist with me by not letting your opinions of me blind you of who I really am. Who is the me in this? The old Latino man, the young Black girl, the old Asian woman, the old White woman who is disabled, the young White man whose girlfriend is Asian. The husband and wife who have 6 children and are struggling. I could go on, but you get the point do not let your hate blind you of who I am or what I can become.

My Ramblings about God

God is not fair I get punished because a man named Adam listened to his wife named Eve without verifying that the information she told him was correct.  He trusted the person he loved just as most of us would. Eve deceived Adam just as the snake deceived her, then they both tried to deceive God the one who created them both.

But why was the snake in the garden in the first place? Why did we have to endure the wrath of God? when Satan the snake is the one who rebelled according to scripture. Why was he Satan Lucifer tossed to the earth. Why did God not burn him in a meteor?

Have no one ever wondered this? Just accepting the fact that we human beings are at fault I do not understand this kind of justice? I am now questioning what I have always accepted which means there is more to this history than we know.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mine Own Insecurities

When I was born I had my own insecurities. I had my own sins and my own cross to bear.  As I was young it was put upon my parents to recognize these sins, and to snuff them out.  As Christians your parents do this by listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit when it comes to themselves and your child.

Sins you say? Yes Sins for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.  Sin is in our DNA so to speak through Adam all sin. But through Jesus Christ all can be saved. 

But as I got older it was up to me to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit regarding mine own life, and the life of my family.  Because as I get older more people are involved in my life, and once you hit that adult stage.  You begin to realize that the world does not revolve around you.

My challenge to you and myself is to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as Christians we have that birth right.